EOY Event
An invitation to attend the annual fundraiser for the Ventura Regional Fire Safe Council. Photos include people from past events enjoying their time at the fundraiser.
Flyer for VRFSC's End of Year Fundraiser and Celebration


Register for a no-cost home wildfire assessment today

Register for a no-cost home wildfire assessment today

Register for a no-cost home wildfire assessment today

Chipper Program
Curbside & Drop-off Chipper Events

Our Chipper Program provides chipping services for neighborhoods and individual homeowners in Ventura County free of charge. These vegetation management programs reduce the flammable fuel load and increase weed abatement activities in communities that border the wildland-urban interface threat zones.

Firewise Workshops
Monthly Firewise USA® Workshops

Learn the steps and benefits of the Firewise program for your community. Hear how different communities found success by chatting with each other. Engage in a Q&A session with our Regional Coordinators for valuable insights.


A Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is a plan developed at the community level in areas at-risk of wildfire. They are created in collaboration with community members, fire agencies operating in the area, local government, and other interested stakeholders.

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Illustration of Trees on Fire with House Protected in Bubble

No-Cost Home Wildfire Assessments

In life, it’s good to have a plan and be prepared. Our team of experts is here to educate Ventura County residents on priority actions to take to protect their home. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we have helped hundreds of homeowners in the county make their homes more fire resistant by providing wildfire assessments for their property at no cost to the homeowner.

Firewise Communities Logo

Firewise USA® Communities

For HOAs, POAs, or dedicated community members ready to take collective action, we offer free Firewise USA workshops. Becoming a Firewise USA-recognized community allows for potential insurance discounts and creates opportunities for folks in your community to learn about wildfire.

Wood Pile

Chipper Events

Our Chipper Program provides chipping services for neighborhoods and individual homeowners in Ventura County, free of charge. Vegetation management programs like this help residents reduce available fuel for fire, so that communities in high-fire zones can have a stronger chance of surviving the next wildfire.


A Growing Concern…

Wildfires have grown in size and impact in California over the last several years—and Ventura County has been hit particularly hard. The Thomas and Woolsey fires of 2017-2018 together scorched almost 400,000 acres and destroyed over 1,700 structures. According to CAL FIRE, 75% of the most destructive California wildfires have occurred in just the last 12 years, while 60% of the largest wildfires in California history occurred in 2020 and 2021.

The abundance of older homes built without wildfire safety in mind, rugged terrain, increasingly hot, dry weather, and the seasonal appearance of powerful Santa Ana winds make Ventura County particularly vulnerable to ongoing wildfire threats and damage.

Illustration of Fire Danger Levels

How VRFSC is Helping

How is VRFSC helping residents prepare for the next big blaze? Wildfire Safety Liaisons are ready to lead educational workshops and offer free home-hardening assessments in high-risk locations. Much of the destruction and loss of homes is caused by firebrands landing on and igniting flammable materials outside or around a home. Before firefighters can reach these burning homes, flames quickly spread to neighboring homes, increasing and amplifying the destruction.

How YOU Can Help

With proper education, planning, and preparation, the potential hazards related to wildfire can be reduced. There are proven methods for homeowners to prepare their homes and withstand the threat of wildfire. By limiting the amount of flammable vegetation, choosing fire-resistant building materials and construction techniques, and conducting periodic exterior maintenance, residents can prepare their home to withstand embers—and minimize the likelihood of flames or surface fire touching the home or any attachments.

Having someone really look closely at all of the action items that need to be done to "harden" my house was very very valuable & spurred me on to take actions that I knew I needed to do. The person who came to my house was punctual and professional & extremely helpful.

Virginia T. - Thousand Oaks

Register Today

Don’t wait until it’s too late to harden your home against fire.
Our FREE assessments will help you mitigate your risk.
